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Company History

Company History

Company History


Shanghai Jinbao Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd. was established in shanghai. A traditional manufacturing enterprise integrating measuring equipment,packaging system research and development,manufacturing,sales and service.


Shanghai Jin'an Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd. was established to complete liquid handing,metering and packaging system. Complete the hot pot bottom equipment from manual batching and packaging of finished products to unmanned operation of the entire plant,from single equipment manufacturing to equipment design and manufacturing of the entire plant.


Shanghai Jinli Automation Technology Co.,Ltd. was established to specialize in automation engineering technology services,system integration and OEM electrical supporting services for powder packaging,food production lines,chemical,water treatment,building,pharmaceutical and other industries,running its own electric system department.


Join automation mechanical technology Co.,Ltd was established. Relying on the construction of industrial solutions,it is committed to customers in various fields such as food,medicine,fine chemicals and new materials.We successfully developed cyclone sieving machine,bag dumping station and powder mixing machine in powder material handling industry.


JCN settled in Suxitong Science and Technology Industrial Park in Nantong to celebrate the JCN's 15th anniversary. The two major sectors of food processing and packaging applications are the main business,and various business divisions have been established.